We are one of the very few non-profit charity nurseries/playgroup in Edinburgh and have been for over 50 years. As a charity, we are committed to providing affordable childcare to families thereby not depriving local children from the full learning experience and giving them a better start in life. We have a reputation for being a childcare facility that excels in support for children with additional support needs and are inclusive to all.
Our nursery/playgroup is being forced to find a new site due to our current premises in the church being closed and sold. Edinburgh Council has granted us a 20-year ground lease on a site at Loaning Crescent Bowling Club. The area is falling into disrepair due to the decreasing number of people using the site. The new location will be revitalised to cater for the demands of affordable childcare facilities in the area and once established, the new building will become a meeting space for community groups in the evening and weekends. All the development in the first phase will be in the grounds bordering the green.
To clear the site and install the new build, a capital cost of £400,000 is required. The playgroup has £75,000 of funds which will be allocated towards achieving this total. However, the rest of the outstanding balance will be sought through fundraising and grants.
Our vision is to partner with the bowlers and local residents, bringing young and older members of the community together. Current research has shown that mixing of intergenerational ages has huge mental and physical health benefits.
With childcare settings limited and parents already struggling to find a space, our setting is crucial to supporting the local community and families at an affordable level.
Please get in touch if you'd like to donate to our cause and help save our playgroup.
Thank you for your help and generosity, we really appreciate it.